Roadele Rugaciunii

“Answered prayer!”ROMscene

We’ve seen a lot of that during our mission to Romania. All of the services and both of the conferences were well-attended and wonderfully filled with God’s grace and truth. Praise be to God!

ROMplaqueThis morning I visited the village of Belobresca, which is made up of about 300 homes and which is (at least statistically) some 99% dominated by the Romanian Orthodox Church. We toured the large Orthodox cemetery and the tiny Baptist cemetery, as well as the church for which Tom’s mother prayed for over fifty years. The plaque commemorates her faithful petitions to the Lord for an evangelical witness in the community. You’ll see photos of the plaque and the church’s pastor.

We had the joy of distributing food to, and praying with, some of the neediest families among the believers. Some of these sweet sisters and brothers are too ill to attend worship. I fell in love with one precious little girl at one of our stops. I’ll attach that picture too.ROMblurrycongreg

I must admit that some of the stories about life here under Communism are almost more than I can take in. Such cruel oppression and hardship marked the people’s lives for so long (many were shot and killed trying to cross the treacherous river right where we’re staying), but the true church grew strong in persevering faith during that same period.

My friend Garry Ellis always says: “Tough times for the country are good times for the gospel.” He’s right. We tend to forget that God’s economy isn’t ours. Our Lord uses every circumstance for our good and His glory.

Thank you for praying for us. I’ve made some new friends who I think will be lifetime partners in ministry and missions. To God be the glory!
ROMblurrygirl ROMcouple ROMorganist

Posted in Blog Posts
One comment on “Roadele Rugaciunii
  1. Andrea says:

    Praise God!

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