Wounds of the Heart, Part 6

Charles Spurgeon said it like this: “There are many kinds of broken hearts, and Christ is good at healing them all.” I love that quote. It is truth on steroids.

Nothing can feel more isolating than a broken heart. The pain can seem unbearable (Proverbs 14:10). But we – as God’s people – have been called into community. How do we “do” community when we really want to be left alone? For that matter, how do we commune with God – even worship Him – when we really don’t want to be in the company of anyone?

Here’s the good news: a broken heart is an open heart. Hosea had to learn that. Before him it was King David. And before David – among many others who had to feel the sting of life’s bitter disappointments – it was Sarai (later known as Sarah). Each Biblical account reinforces the trajectory of God’s faithfulness to meet us in our moment of absolute despair. When we find our refuge in God, He never lets us down. He is the strength we’re missing. He is the solace we’ve been looking for.

But the reality is: God often chooses to heal us through the ministry of others. We bear each other’s burdens and pains (Galatians 6:2). What we most need when we’re hurting most profoundly is something that we’re tempted to pull away from: each other! Don’t let that happen.

The same goes for our time with God. Don’t let it slip away, friends. Find yourself in the company of God’s people. Even if you don’t feel like worshipping, worship anyway. Even if you don’t feel like singing, sing anyway. Even if you don’t feel like reading your Bible, read anyway. There’s something about worshipping the God of the universe that puts our personal pain in its proper perspective. Look up! Like the Israelites who were snake bitten in the wilderness, we must look up in order to live.

When it comes to healing your broken heart, here are the steps of faith which you’ve taken so far …




And today you’re adding:


When you are recaptured by the greatness of God, you will be well on your way to a renewed heart.

Let’s suppose for a minute that you have no idea how to begin. I’ll offer three simple suggestions. Choose one or all three. 1. Spend time with a young child (not an infant). Have conversation in their language. Seek to see the world through their eyes. You’ll be stunned by how much of you gets reignited in the process. 2. Go outside and take a long walk. Pull out your cell phone and take pictures of God’s creation. If you do social media, post your pictures and give God glory. You’ll be prompted to worship. 3. Spend at least half an hour with an old friend. Drink in the goodness that comes from just being around a person who has invested in you for years. Savor the moment. Like sweet tea for the soul.

Remember that verse I gave you earlier (Proverbs 14:10)? Read it again. The same heart that was once broken can be filled with unspeakable joy! Our Helper is here. Healing is on the way. I’m rooting for you.


Pastor Charles

Posted in Blog Posts
One comment on “Wounds of the Heart, Part 6
  1. Jill Wrye says:

    Love this message. Best advice and truth I’ve heard lately!

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