Wounds of the Heart, Part 4

Now that we’ve faced our fallenness, what next?

Well, we must learn to grieve for the glory of God. Grief is natural and normal, whenever we face a significant disappointment of any kind. There’s no use pasting on a fake smile and pretending that everything is fine. As a matter of fact, suppressing grief – and never dealing with it appropriately or redemptively – can be very unhealthy.

Grief often overtakes us in stages. First we may feel shocked. (How could this have happened to me?) Then we may go through a period of denial. Next is often when strong feelings of anger emerge. Don’t be surprised by any of these. They’re all part of a normal grieving process. Sometimes, however, our sadness can evolve into excruciating pain – something more like depression. And this is where I don’t want you to get stuck. And, if you’re already stuck, I want you to be free!

How do we get unstuck?

When we’re in one of those life seasons that feels like perpetual winter with no sign of spring, pain can be piling up inside us like emotional garbage. Friend, don’t leave your grief unattended! If you leave your grief unattended, you’re likely to find yourself engaging in behaviors which you never thought were you. Bitterness can take over. You may soon find yourself isolated even from the people you love the most. You may discover that you’re suddenly blaming everybody around you for, well, everything! Not healthy. Not healthy at all.

So here is our second step toward healing: SPEAK YOUR SADNESS. You and I must learn to grieve well, and that starts with telling the truth: “I am hurt.”

John 11:35 can be powerful for us: Jesus wept. Even knowing that Lazarus would be raised from the dead in mere minutes, Jesus expressed – honestly and intimately – the sorrow of His heart. There had been a loss, and it was real. And it was sad.

If this frankness was right for the Son of God, can’t we be certain that it is right for us?





We’ll go from there next time.

Your heart is in His hands.


Pastor Charles

Posted in Blog Posts
One comment on “Wounds of the Heart, Part 4
  1. Re: Your blog on Wounds of the Heart-thank you.

    My wife died with Parkinsons last September one month past our 65th wedding anniversary. Despite the fact we were both believers, it was a terribly painful time. Seeing her body and mind just wither away bit-by-bit was unquestionably my saddest experience in my long life. I have kept reminding myself that she has gone into a far, far better life, but I still grieve for her and continue to miss her every minute. Tommy Tucker led her memorial and checked in frequently during her illness and I will be grateful for his ministry the rest of my own life.

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