Iron Man

“Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another” (Proverbs 27:17 ESV).

When two blades rub against each other, the result is that both instruments are sharper. You and I were made for meaningful interaction and life-enriching relationships within Christ’s body. Particularly for us guys, who tend to be less socially sophisticated than the women in our lives, we need male encouragement, mentoring, and accountability. Add some healthy competition, and it can be downright fun!

In recent blog entries I’ve attempted to thank the First Baptist Family for the warm and gracious hospitality extended to Eileen and me since our Paducah arrival in late June. Today I want to expressly thank the church for your kindness to our son.

Joshua feels very much at home among you, and this is in large measure due to your open heart toward him. Thank you. It’s not easy to move across the country and start attending a new middle school and a new youth group, but God has certainly used your love — demonstrated to Josh — to grease the skids.

I particularly want to thank the FBC boys who have gone out of your way to include Joshua in various and sundry activities and conversations. It would have been much easier for you to have waited for Josh to find his own friendships, but you’ve exhibited Christlike grace toward the new guy. Eileen and I have remarked more than once that your maturity level has been exceptionally impressive in this regard. You are fine young men.

I also want to thank the FBC dads who made the effort to give Joshua some instruction and practice at shooting a couple of weekends ago. He was in hog heaven with you guys! You might not have realized how special that day was for Joshua, but let me tell you that you made a lasting impression on a boy who now thinks that Western Kentucky is a way cool place to live. (Even if you are the preacher’s kid.)

So thanks from the bottom of my heart, brothers, for treating my son like your own. May all our sons and daughters grow up grateful to God that He called us to do life together here and now. Sometimes the sharpening process will set off a spark or two, but the results will be out of this world.Joshua.Kevin Estes

Posted in Blog Posts
2 comments on “Iron Man
  1. Shannon Stivers says:

    Such a big change for a kid his age (of any age):) Happy to hear that he it has been a good transition!

  2. Bill Temple says:

    From a Christ Community Church brother…


    Great to hear that God is making your transition easier due to love and acceptance from the body of Christ at FBC. God is also working here at C.C.C. Marcus is growing is his faith under Tim. We have added his younger brother into our home so he can go to Saddleback Valley Christian, play football and graduate with his cousins, whom he loves. God worked it all out. Pray for his spiritual hunger.
    Barry and I are still struggling to make home modifications for seniors and the disabled a profitable company. It’s been tough. We are still excited but need to set a deadline for the 1st of the year to decide to
    continue or not.
    Any one else out there pray for these things also. We are all one body in Christ. Maranatha

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