Church Extraordinaire

Over the last two evenings we have experienced what I’ll call “church extraordinaire.” As First Baptist Paducah has strategically invaded the neighborhoods of Paducah, we have seen the Lord use us to minister to hundreds of people in Christ’s name. It took many of you to pull it off, but you made the block parties happen.

It’s too bad that sometimes we Christians are known as “un-party.” Throughout the Old Testament we see God using festivals and feasts to show His people much about Himself. Historically these events were sometimes somber occasions for purposes of soul-searching and reflection, but often the Lord wanted His Beloved to simply celebrate His gracious work on their behalf. To enjoy the moment for His glory.

Check out the Feast of Booths in Leviticus 23:33-44. The Roman historian Josephus referred to it as “the greatest of the Hebrew celebrations.” It ended with a parade, loud music, and a water-pouring ritual – and was likely the backdrop for Christ’s glorious self-attestation as our “living water” (John 7:37-39). We’ve been invited to drink of His Spirit! An ancient rabbi observed: “Anyone who has not seen this water ceremony has never seen rejoicing  in his life.”

We also learn from the New Testament that wedding receptions and related festivities often lasted for a full week! We remember the ultra-celebrative setting of the first miracle of Christ’s earthly ministry. If you and I are supposed to be “un-party,” then Jesus definitely did not get that memo.

THANK YOU for helping us end our “Summer of Service” on such a high note. I am grinning from ear to ear as I write these words. Thank you.

Thank you for cultivating the soil for gospel planting. Thank you for planting gospel seeds. Thank you for praying with me for gospel harvest.

THANK YOU for loving Paducah.

Someone has said that there are three keys to church growth: 1. gathering people; 2. gathering people; and 3. gathering people. I think you get my point. Great job, FBC Family!

I’ll close with this verse from The Message (John 1:14): “The Word became flesh and blood, and moved into the neighborhood.”


Pastor Charles

mackenzie1alva-house fellowship fellowship1 fellowship2 lyles mackenzie marilyn-cooper pines powless ragland ragland1 ragland2 thompson tilley tilley1 tucker

Posted in Blog Posts
4 comments on “Church Extraordinaire
  1. Judy Sheppard says:

    Powerful. Several in our church here have gatherings on occasions even Halloween. I’d never have done that, but it has been quite beneficial.

  2. Julie Farmer says:

    I just love our church family! This is fantastic! Thanks for sharing all the great pics!

  3. Tracey Buchanan says:

    Love this!!

  4. Alva House says:

    I am so thankful that Vonnie & I chose to attend the Starfish Ministry to attend, it was a real blessing. Thanks for your leadership.

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